The Rise of the Bohemian Sun

Warm sun, crisp blue skies…ancient vibes.
This is the Bohemian Sun collection.
There were many sunrises and sunsets in creating this collection. A redesign or two and a tool epiphany. (That is a thing.)
Raise your hand if you love turquoise (hand raised). Raise your hand if you love brass and turquoise (other hand raised). Welcome to the club! We are a stylish troupe, are we not?
My love for turquoise and brass was one of the drivers behind the Bohemian Sun collection. We all love sterling and turquoise. Its clean coolness is timeless. But brass and turquoise have this warm, beautiful, vibe of times past…of ancient caravans, endless dancing, and sunset gazing…
However, brass is a different beast.

I had to take extra care and time to bring the Bohemian Sun Collection to life, but the results were so worth it. I hope you agree!

Some of you know that I love handmade African beads. I am also greatly inspired by African jewelry and adornment. The Bohemian Sun collection is a modern reflection of the gorgeous metal work of the Baule (Baoule) tribe with some influence from the Benin Tribe, renown for their bronze casting.
Each earring represents the rays of the sun surrounding the blue sky. Both designs incorporate the layering of bronze over brass in a nod to the Benin Tribe, of which I share roughly 16% of my heritage.
Polished to perfection then slightly antiqued, I give them a once-over of Renaissance Wax (approved by her Majesty the Queen and used on everything from fine paintings to jewelry). This gives them a wonderful, protective coating without fumes or aerosol. Nothing irritating or smelly. And it does a good job of resisting tarnish, even when you do leave them out on your dresser.